+44-(0)1474-330-730 | +233 (0) 302-908 640

Mechanics of Fund-Raising for
Microfinance Institutions-Trends,
Models & Prospects in Equity,
Debt & Grant Sourcing

Abuja, Nigeria   |   04th – 06th February, 2020


The Financial Inclusion Advocacy Centre’s Technical Assistance Department includes leading international trainers in microfinance, as well as a robust group of trainers and consultants from renowned institutions around the globe  who provide expertise as needed. Our trainers are fully certified in the range of CGAP and World Bank microfinance training, as well as Citibank Foundation training materials in English. FIAC has its own home grown internal training and consulting materials and tools, based on global best-practice benchmarks. FIAC trainers and consultants have vast practical experience managing diverse range of microfinance institutions, from self-help groups ,  foundations, cooperatives and commercial banks. They are assisted by international training specialists in microfinance, with over 15 years international microfinance technical capacity building expertise.

FIAC technical assistance is bespoke to the need of each client, often based on the detailed findings of MIR ratings. FIAC incorporates follow-ups, coaching, mentoring and practical hands-on training in its training deliveries, to enhance with implementation of new skills and ideas. FIAC’s main aim is the building of sustainable skills and abilities of its clients, rather than performing work on their behalf and leaving the institutional soft skills unaffected.

FIAC’s Technical Assistance Outfit engages in the following activities:
  • Direct delivery of technical assistance services, including training, consulting, on-the job-training, etc., to MFIs;
  • Development and introduction of best-practice training and consulting tools (in collaboration with the Research and Innovation Department);
  • Intensive training of trainers and consultants to ensure broad circulation of learning materials throughout Africa at affordable cost to MFIs; and
  • Delivery of technical services to large scale audiences through FIAC networking events, including conferences and workshops.
Head Office:

Waterman House.
1 Lord Street, Gravesend
Kent. UK
DA12 1AW
Tel: +44-(0)1474-330-730
Fax: +44-(0)1474-321-423
Email: info@financialinclusionadvocacy.org

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