+44-(0)1474-330-730 | +233 (0) 302-908 640

Executive Applied Microfinance &
Financial Inclusion School 2020

Dubai, U.A.E   |   23rd – 27th March, 2020


FIAC’s Research and Innovation Department work to address critical developmental needs of the African microfinance sector by conducting research, developing and propagating new technical skills and materials on microfinance innovations.

FIAC is committed to actively translating research findings and field experience into innovative practical training and consulting tools for MFIs in Sub-Sahara Africa. FIAC training materials are based on international benchmarks and are developed by both local and international experts in training curricular development.

The Department conducts time tested socio economic market research in microfinance for  Micro finance investment vehicles (MIVs), MFIs, donor agencies, governments  and other interested parties in the industry. In addition, the department conducts social impact research to measure the success of different products and strategies, as well as to determine levels of social performance for:

  • Progressively build micro housing finance;
  • Development of micro-insurance;
  • Entrepreneurship development for Youth;
  • Improvements in technology to mobilize and manage savings;
  • Delinquency turnaround for MFIs in crisis.
Head Office:

Waterman House.
1 Lord Street, Gravesend
Kent. UK
DA12 1AW
Tel: +44-(0)1474-330-730
Fax: +44-(0)1474-321-423
Email: info@financialinclusionadvocacy.org

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